
Il mito e la tradizione millenaria del fuoco di Santa Lucia raccontati attraverso gli occhi e le gesta di adolescenti sulle rive dello Ionio.

The myth and the millenary tradition of the fire of Saint Lucia narrated through the eyes and deeds of teenagers on the shores of the Ionian Sea.


Directed by Matteo Russo

Written by Matteo Russo and Carlo Gallo

Produced by : Orazio Guarino, Marco Santoro

Executive producer: Vincenzo D’Arpe

d.o.p : Benjamin Manenti

Editing: Mattia Soranzo

Music: Ginevra Nervi

Soud: Filippo Manni

Color correction: Rosario Balistreri

Produced by Naffintusi,in collaboration with Rai Cinema with the support  of the Fondazione Calabria Film Commission


Cannes Docs 2023

41TFF Concorso Documentari Italiani (World Premiere)

Nano Film Festival 2024

BCT Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione 2024